Saturday 3 September 2011

Captain America Annual #8 1986

This afternoon I'm in the loft still trying to sort out this:

Ive been coming up here on and off for months and don't seem to be getting anywhere. I think its because i keep stopping to read gems like this:

Captain America Annual 8 from 1986. This issue features a great team up between  Cap and Wolvie. The story involves a villan called The Overrider and his robot TESS. TESS stands for Total Elimination of Super-Soldiers, a project proposed by Prof Daniel Schumann to keep the Super-soldiers in check after the war. As it turns out Cap was the only Super-Soldier created and the project was scrapped. Forty years later a mutant called Richard Rennselaer, A.K.A. Overrider has control of a TESS robot that Prof Schumann had completed in secret.

The Overrider plans to take control of Americas nuclear missiles and bury them on the ocean floor. He is doing all this as his son suffers from "Nuclear Psychosis, an overwhelming dread that the world will end at any moment".

At the end Cap gives Wolverine a speech condoning his methods and telling him The Avengers would never have him, which is quite ironic as The Ol' Canucklehead seems to be on every team going at the moment!

A great old school comic, written by Mark Gruenwald with great artwork by Mike Zeck.

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